Sunday, March 29, 2009

blah... sunday

not much going on today...
i hate sundays. they're insanely depressing. but on the plus side: one week until spring break :]

i think i'll go recruit some friends to play tennis later today.

bye ;]

Saturday, March 28, 2009

return to the world of blogging :)

wow. i haven't posted in a small forever.
but i think i'm reentering the world of blogging.

at the moment, i'm sitting in a 5-year-old's room, waiting for my parents to decide it's time to leave this party. i hate this. we have to go to parties with the same people every week. the only thing that changes is whose house it's held at. it's infuriating. god forbid we should have one saturday night to spend quietly and peacefully at home.

anyway. i got into a... squabble(?) with one of my best friend's yesterday over something so trivial it seems pointless in retrospect. i didn't realize exactly how important that friend was to me until the existence of our friendship was put in jeopardy. it left me with a queasy feeling in my stomach the whole day. we talked it out though, and we're good now, so i feel at ease ^_^

spirit day today... i planted a tree :) we had to dig an insanely deep hole. i stood in it and it swallowed up my legs until a couple of inches above the knee :o

mk, finally, i'm going home. so ecstatic!
27 dresses and a late night bowl of honey bunches of oats awaits my return to home :)

night <3

"The best antidote to fear is knowledge." - Ralph Waldo Emerson


take away the colors
blur the shapes
silence the sounds
suppress all emotion

just eliminate the variables
constantly changeing
so distracting
too much to focus on
too much to think about

i need solitude

i beg
just let me live in blankness for a while

Friday, January 16, 2009

Hilarious Story :D

I was perusing a friend of mine's blog today when I came across this story. I couldn't resist re-posting it:

An Interesting Story
My uncle told me an interesting story today about keeping a watchful eye out for opportunities. He told me the story in Arabic, so I will do my best to translate it as closely as possible. Excuse me if some of it doesn't sound right; things sound wierd when they're translated."

Once upon a time, there was a man whose life was filled with bad luck. [For storytelling purposes, let's call him Bob.] Bob used to fail at everything he tried. He was poor, homeless, and what not. His life was miserable and he was unhappy with it.

One day, he decided he wanted to meet his 'luck' and find out why his life was so miserable. So he asked around about where 'lucks' lived and set out on a journey to the land of the 'lucks.'

On his way, he encountered a lion who was sitting on the edge of the forest. The lion was clearly weak and powerless. He asked Bob where he was headed. Bob said, "I am on my way to the land of the lucks to meet my luck and speak to him about why my life is so miserable.""Will you do me a favor?" the lion asked. "I am a lion; I am supposed to be the king of the jungle. But look at me. I am weak and powerless and unable even to kill my prey. Will you please ask my luck why I am so and then tell me what he said on your way back?"Bob agreed and continued on his journey.

He came across a farmer who was planting seeds. The farmer asked him where he was going. "I am on my way to the land of the lucks to meet my luck and speak to him about why my life is so miserable," Bob said."Will you do me a favor?" the farmer asked. "I have been planting and watering my plants for ages, but nothing is growing. Will you ask my luck why I have been faced with such bad fortune and then tell me what he said on your way back?"Bob agreed and continued on his journey.

He came across a pond with a fish in it that appeared to be stuck with half her body in the water and her head outside of the water. When he told her where he was going, she replied, "Will you do me a favor? I have been stuck like this for a while, and I am unable to dive back into the water. Will you ask my luck why I am so unfortunate and then tell me what he said on your way back?"Bob agreed and continued on his journey.

He entered a large nation, the people of which took him to the palace of their queen. When Bob told the queen where he was headed, she said, "Will you do me a favor? My subjects do not respect me. Will you ask my luck why this is so and then tell me what he said on your way back?"Bob agreed and continued on his journey.

When he finally reached the land of the lucks and met his luck, he asked him, "Why have you made my life so miserable?"Luck responded, "Here's what you need to do: you have three leaps coming your way [Leaps, as in opportunities]. If you find them or even one of them, you will become successful in your life."When Bob asked him about the lion, farmer, fish and queen, Luck said, "The lion will become strong if he eats the meat of a jackass. As for the farmer, his plants are not growing because there is treasure buried in his land. If he digs the treasure out, the land will become fertile. As for the fish, she has swallowed a magic ring that is causing her head to stick out of the water. If she can get it out of her body, she will be able to swim again. As for the queen, her subjects are not respecting her because she is not married. If she had a husband, they would respect her."

Bob began his journey back, stopping on his way to tell the queen, farmer, fish, and lion what Luck had said about them.When he told the queen that Luck said she must find a husband, she said to Bob, "Would you like to marry me and become the king of my kingdom?" But Bob said, "No, no, no, I must continue. I am too busy looking for my leaps."When he reached the fish and told her what Luck had said about her, she said to Bob, "Would you please squeeze me so I can get the magic ring out? You can keep the ring for yourself if you like." But Bob said, "No, no, no, I must continue. I am too busy looking for my leaps."When Bob reached the farmer and told him what Luck had said about him, the farmer said, "Would you like to help me dig out the treasure? We can split it equally between the two of us." But Bob said, "No, no, no, I must continue. I am too busy looking for my leaps."

Finally, Bob reached the lion and told him that Luck had said he must eat the meat of a jackass. The lion said, "You only just came across your three leaps and you brushed them aside! Who can be more like a jackass than you?!"And so the lion ate Bob."THE END :)

Credit to Noma for the story :)
Excuse the language
I just got such a kick out of that story, and it had a good lesson too.

Finalssss :'(

Aiyya. *Fobby way of saying "Oh gosh..." or "Ugh"*

I have midterms next week, and I am completely unprepared as of yet. So much studying to do! But I've decided to give myself a break today, and then work tirelessly *or as tirelessly as I can manage* for the rest of the week :] Hence, here I am, typing this out.

I think I'll stop wasting the only free time I'll have for the next week, and go watch a movie... "The Bucket List" sounds good. I think I'll watch that.

So, farewell my faithful readers. I probably won't see you again until after finals, when I'll finally emerge from the mounds of textbooks I'm sure to be buried under for the next week ;]

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Apparently there was an earthquake at 8:06 p.m. tonight, but I didn't feel it.
Or maybe I did, but I was on the phone so I didn't notice.
As many people have remarked, I don't have the most astute observational skills.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

An Old Blogpost Brought to Life

I wrote this at the beginning of last summer, and I liked the concept. I just wanted to have a copy of it on this blog :)

(27 Jun 2008 09:07 am)
Ramblings on a lazy summer day...

I’m here in Philly for my cousin’s graduation party and a wedding, but it’s pretty slow right now because nobody else has arrived yet. My days are spent browsing online, watching WAY too many chick flicks, randomly heading out with my cousins, and lying on the couch just daydreaming, which gives me just a little too much time to let my thoughts wander.
So yesterday, during one of my frequent on-the-couch-daydreaming sessions, the weirdest thought occurred to me: How do we know that we all see colors the same way? What if what I see as green is what you see as blue, and what I see as blue is what you see as green. (Did that make any sense at all?) I mean, "blue" and "green" are just words we use to indicate to others what color we mean. From an early age, we’re taught to recognize the colors we see using given terms, but there’s no guarantee that we all see the same colors, is there? Even if we all look at this text and identify it as black, that doesn’t necessarily mean that we’re seeing the same thing. It’s just what each of us has been trained to recognize as black.
Okay, I think I’m even confusing myself now, so I’ll stop…
Until next time :]

Haha, my writing style seems to have changed dramatically since summer... although I kind of like the way it used to be.
Definitely have to get back to that...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

New Year's Resolution


Sometimes, my parents make me really angry.
Like, REALLY mad.
Blood boiling, fist making, jaw clenching mad.

And then I say stuff that I later regret.

Why can't I just keep my mouth shut!?
It's my own fault more than half the time.
I ignore doing various easy tasks that they've reminded me about like, 50 times. I know it's bound to make them mad, and bring their wrath down on myself.
If I would just do the little things that they ask...

But I don't.

Sometimes, they're irritable, and nitpick insignificant things.
I do that quite often too, and I realize how much people have to put up with from me sometimes.
If I could just stand there and take it like they all do for me; keep my head down and weather the storm...

But I can't.

Sometimes, I feel like defiance is an extra appendage.
It sticks out of the center of my torso; an inconvenience.
It's a limb I can't control, and one that takes control in a moment of weakness.

I realize that sometimes, I do things just because I know it'll make my mom mad.
Not all the time.
But often enough.

Which brings me to my New Year's Resolution:

Every time I get into a confrontation with my mom, dad, or anybody else for that matter, I will try to see their side, count to 5, and answer in a calm, respectful voice.

I feel like that's gonna be hard enough, so I'll leave that as my only one for now.

Wish me luck!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Another personality quiz :D

You Are Emotional

You are dependable, popular, and observant.Deep and thoughtful, you are prone to moodiness.In fact, your emotions tend to influence everything you do.You are unique, creative, and expressive.You don't mind waving your freak flag every once and a while.And lucky for you, most people find your weird ways charming!


Toe-socks are unbelievably warm.

*wiggles toes*
Like heaven for your toesies :D

Monday, December 22, 2008

Musings on a rainy day :]

Sometimes I wonder,
What if...
I'm looking through a window
forever streaked by rain
changing the way I see things
and I don't even know it?

But then I realize,
everyone has their own window
streaked by raindrops
in a unique pattern.

It's what makes us
It's what makes our perceptions
our own.

Thank God for the rain.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ramblings about my day...

So, seeing as I never casually rant about my day, I've decided that I will today :)
Here goes...

Well... I had an ortho appointment at 9, and my parents decided I might as well not go to school before it, so I got to wake up at 7-ish this morning, as opposed to my usual 6 a.m., which was good. And then, after everyone else had left for school, work, what have you, I had some me-time. I made myself some mini frozen waffles, pulled on fuzzy toe-socks, grabbed a fleece blanket, and sat on the couch to watch 2 amazing episodes of House (which is like, my absolute favorite show).
Then, around 8:15-ish, I left my warm nest on the couch, changed into uber-toasty clothes, and watched yet some more House while waiting for my dad to come from work and pick me up so as to take me to the orthodontist.
So, my dear ol' dad finally got home, and we made our way through the rain and cold over to Dr. Writer's office. On the way, I read some more of "The Time Traveler's Wife" *such an addicting book!! I'll probably go read some more when I'm done with this* and had a fun conversation with my dad about philosophy *that's kind of our thing*.
Fast-forward through the orthodontist's office... nothing of importance there.
So after that, I got dropped off at school (~11-ish) and headed off to 4th period Alg2/Trig, where I was finally enlightened as to the concept of exponential decay by Mr. Cochrane :D
Lunch... nothing super special. Hira bought me a cookie, which was nice of her, and I got compliments on my coat, which made me happy :D And then we just hung out w/our group of friends like we do every day.
Then after lunch, I went to 5th period EnglishH2 w/Mr. Penhall, who is my absolute favorite teacher. We had a test on "A Tale of Two Cities" *actually a pretty good book...* And then I accidentally referred to Mr. Penhall as Mr. Cochrane *I'm always switching their names by accident :P* and that got him started on a long, entertaining story about how he's known Mr. Cochrane for 40 years (WOW. That's like, since the time my dad was born)
And then I went to Japanese, which was okay-ishly fun, as always. Perry and Kevin are too hilarious :P and Andy, as always, was insulting me through the whole period, trying to get a reaction out of me. But I got my classwork done! :D
And then after school, I walked w/Hira and Myra to the parking lot, where we stood for 5 minutes freezing our faces off, until we found out Hira's mom was going to be late picking us up today. So we wandered back to the warmth of the library, and defrosted our fingers. (I'm not even kidding... my fingers started out freezing, and after a certain point I couldn't feel them anymore. It was nuts...) But the happiness was short-lived, because 5 minutes later, we found out that Hira's mom was on her way, so we ventured into the freezing rain and wind, and high-tailed it back to the parking lot, where we spent another 5, icy minutes waiting for our ride. And then we get a call from Myra's mom, saying she's picking us up in front of the library, so we had to walk back from whence we came for the 2nd time :P
But we were finally in the nice, warm car :]
And then... I got home, made myself grilled cheese (I'd forgotten to make myself lunch, so I was ravenous after not eating the whole day), and sat down to watch CNN's "Planet in Peril" *Totally amazing...*
And then I took a nap for like, 2 hrs. I woke up feeling refreshed, so I sat down to do HW.
When I was done with that... I got some green tea from my little brother *what a sweetie<3*, put on a sweatshirt and fuzzy slippers cause I was cold, and sat down for my nightly AIM sessions with various friends :]
And now, here I am.

All in all, it was an ok day :D
Gnite everyone!

<3 nida

Sunday, December 14, 2008


I have to do hw.
Cause it's Sunday. And I haven't started yet.

But I guess I will now.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

What if?

I tell them my dreams. Lay out my aspirations.

"There's no way you'll be able to do that," they scoff.
"Be realistic," they say.

But I'll show them.
I'll prove them wrong.
"Just watch me," I think to myself.

And one day, I'll go back to them.
I'll shove it in their faces.
I did what they said I couldn't.
I accomplished what they said was impossible.
I will.
And they'll be forced to eat their words.
To admit they were wrong.
To admit I was able.

But what if I don't?
What if they're right?

Tick Tock


One second passed.


Another second gone.

Leaving change in its wake.

Constant change.




No moment identical to the last.

Continuing to eternity.




The entire family, gathered in the family room.
Mom, Dad, and I with mugs of hot coffee.
Anam and Zain with chocolate milk and bendy straws.
Watching The Lion King.

I want to freeze this moment.
This scene out of a holiday-movie ending.

But I can't.
It's already gone.

Time moves on.
Leaving each second different from the last.
Leaving me feeling helpless.


I'm tempted to go veg...

Apparently, they sell this @ In N Out.
So Grotesque...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I'm bored...

and nobody's been blogging.
So I have nothing to read.

Stupid Gromit. Do some blogging!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Sleeping away the day? Hah. I wish.

Here's a quote about sleep:

A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor's book. ~Irish Proverb

Sleep? What is this sleep you speak of? I know of it not.

And here's another:

The bed is a bundle of paradoxes: we go to it with reluctance, yet we quit it with regret; we make up our minds every night to leave it early, but we make up our bodies every morning to keep it late. ~Charles Caleb Colton

How true...

I'm kind of bitter.
It's modified day. Yes, that blissful day where non-0 period students get to sleep an extra hour in the morning.
But where am I? I'm sitting here in 0, typing this to keep myself from falling asleep on the keyboard.
I think it's working... just a bit. Maybe. A tad. Slightly.


zZzZz... it's become a distant dream.

Sunday, November 30, 2008


looking up at the sky.
the stars
littering the

my thoughts:

so far away.
pretty lights
twinkling away.
the glitter
of the galaxies.

when you get closer.
big, burning
orbs of fury.
inviting things in
with their shine.
and then?
they burn.

in a nutshell.
from a distance.
up close.

to some

there was really no point to this poem... i just felt kinda bored :P

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Should I see a doctor...?

Ok, so, for the past couple of days, I've had this really small scab on my knee. When I first saw it, I didn't recall getting hurt, but I didn't think much of it because I bump into stuff and get scrapes quite often without noticing it. I'm a bit of a klutz :P

But this morning, I woke up, and saw that it had swollen a bit, and had a yellow tinge that indicated pus.

Don't continue reading if you're faint-hearted or have a weak constitution...

Mk, you've been warned.
So my mom called the doctor, and the doctor said that I should wash my hands with hot water and soap, and then try to squeeze the area and drain the pus.
EWWW. *Gag*
But anyway. I had to ignore my disgusted feelings, and did what the doctor ordered. In the process though, the scab came loose, and when I picked it off (again, doctor's orders: if it comes loose, take it off and stick a band-aid on it) a thorn literally (__) that long came out with it.
I'm pretty sure it was a rose-thorn...
But that's besides the point. So like I said, this huge rose thorn came out of my knee. It was really scary, cause it's not like it was protruding out of my knee before. The scab was completely flat on my skin, which means the thorn was deeply embedded in my knee. *Shudder.*
So I looked at the place where the thorn came out of, and there was a ditch the size of a ballpoint pen tip.
I freaked out, started looking for disinfectants... but hydrogen peroxide and neosporin both said "Do not use on... deep or puncture wound" which is EXACTLY what mine was.
So, I had to console myself with a bandaid.

It's aching less now, so I'm hoping it's getting better.
Either way, it's off to the clinic with me first thing tomorrow morning ;D

Don't wanna risk losing a limb to a thorn.

"X" (11:14:33 PM): id like my nida with all her limbs please

Can't disappoint my friends, now can I?

Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Hope you had a fabulous, fun-and-FOOD-filled day :D

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Disney's Retarded Sequels

Okay, so, seriously, Disney has got to stop with the screwed up sequels.

"Mulan" was fabulous. She was strong, fierce, determined, and she held her own among an army of guys in imperial China.
"Mulan II?" Not so much. It was girly and lovey far beyond my level of tolerance, even for a Disney movie.

"The Lion King." My absolute favorite Disney animated classic. My dad and I have watched it together a countless number of times, and we never get sick of it. Apparently, (although I was too young to remember this), I went to see it with my dad and cousins at the drive-in *back when the still had those* when it first came out.
"The Lion King II." Not as bad as some of the other sequels, I'll admit, but still pretty pointless. They just had to make it all lovey and ruin a good thing, didn't they?

Need I go on? Actually, I think I should. Two examples are not nearly enough.

But I'm sleepy, so too bad :P

More to come later!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I think I'm in the mood for some self-analysis.

So I'll go take one of those cheesy online ones...

Back in a sec.




You come to grips more frequently and thoroughly with yourself and your environment than do most people. You detest superficiality; you'd rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk. But your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good. You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored.


That was fun :D
And parts of it totally hit me spot on.

"'d rather be alone than have to suffer through small talk." Totally me. I'd rather sit at home and read or watch a movie than go to a party where none of my uber-close friends are going to be. If the only people there are going to be people who I'll have to make awkward (for me, at least) small talk with, I'd opt to stay home.

"...your relationships with your friends are highly intensive, which gives you the inner tranquility and harmony that you need in order to feel good." Again, totally me. The only time I can completely let go and be myself is with my really close friends.

"You do not mind being alone for extended periods of time; you rarely become bored." Could it get any more exact? I'll say it again: totally me. While I love the company of friends and family, I need and want alone time. It's one of the reasons I love long drives that last through the night, and just lying in bed, awake, thinking. I love being alone in the dark with my thoughts, free to reflect on the different happenings during my day. I usually have so much going on in my mind, it gives me a chance to get it all straight and make sense of the jumble that is my thoughts.

"Introspective Sensitive Reflective." Yep. That's me. You can probably already tell that I'm fairly reflective and introspective (judging by that last paragraph). I'm also uber-sensitive. I can be brought to tears by pretty much anything. I take criticism badly. I find it hard to shrug off a rude comment made towards me; it pretty much ruins the rest of my day.

Hmm... enough self-analysis for tonight. I think I'm in the mood for a nap.

Later ;D

Sunday, November 23, 2008


OMG I'm so excited. I'm sitting here waiting for 11:30 to come around, so I can finally allow myself to get ready and head over to Bella Terra w/my friends to see Twilight!
I'm desperately trying to pass the time, doing everything from straightening my hair, vacuuming my room, trying on all the pairs of earrings I have (don't ask... I don't even understand why), and now blogging about my restlessness.

You know what? In an effort to pass the time, I'm going to tell all of you non-Twilight readers (it's shocking that so many of you still exist :P) about the wonderful miracle that is the Twilight Saga.

*Spoiler Warning*
*Spoiler Warning*
*Spoiler Warning*
*Spoiler Warning*
*Spoiler Warning*

Ok, I gave you a fair warning. Now I will spoil away to my heart's content.

The first installment, "Twilight" tells the story of Bella Swan who moves from Tuscon, Arizona, where she lived with her mom, to Forks, WA to live with her father, Charlie Swan. Forks is the exact opposite of her home in Tuscon. It's rainy, wet, and sunless most of the year. Bella initially dislikes it, but things start turning around when she sees the Cullens sitting in the high school cafeteria.

OMG! ITS 11:20!! I can't contain myself any longer. I'm gonna go get ready. Who cares if I'm a little early?

*Don't worry. I'll finish this later on, when I'm less restless ;]*


Movie review coming up later tonight or tomorrow ;]

Monday, November 17, 2008

My Birthday :D

Today was totally great, thanks to my amazing friends and family <3

Just reveling in the moment, and felt like sharing :D

Saturday, November 15, 2008

This weekend's off to a fabulous start :D
*No sarcasm intended*

Like, seriously.

I went to a youth lecture w/my friends after school, and the speaker was totally inspirational. He put me in such a... revolutionary mood :P I felt like going out then and there to save the world. Just pin a red "S" on my chest and call Supergirl! :]

Then we went to the Coffee Bean, where I had absolutely amazing coffee. Definitely try the Banana Caramel or Blended Hazelnut. Like heaven for your tastebuds :D

And then I went home, and my parents decided we were going out for dinner. So we went to this Thai place, which turned out to be reeeally good, and I ate to my heart's content :P

Then we headed to Blockbuster for a "family movie" (we ended up getting "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation") and they were having this amazing clearance sale thing, so I convinced my dad to buy me "27 Dresses" and "Penelope," both of which I'd been meaning to buy forever.

After that, we went back home, spread out tons of blankets and pillows in the family room, and watched "Christmas Vacation" until like, 12-ish.

All in all, a fabulous day :D

But now I have to sit here and do my hw.
Not so fab :\

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Do I Know You?

do i know you?
i think i might.

the girl you remind me of
i haven't seen her in a while.
i can't seem to find her anymore.

are you her twin?
you look like her.
you sound like her.

but you can't possibly be her
the girl i call my best friend.

you act nothing like her
like my other half.

you do things she'd never do.
you say things she'd never say.
you judge me the way she never does.
i can't be myself around you.

you must be her twin
her opposite in all ways but appearance.
you look like her.
you sound like her.

but you can't possibly be her
the girl i call my best friend.

i can't seem to find her.

but back to you.

do i know you?
i think i might.

Monday, September 29, 2008

I've come to a new realization.

I've been woken up.
And it wasn't the nicest of wake-up calls.

"What exactly is this realization?" you may wonder.

I'm an essentially selfish person.

I find it hard to give compliments.
It hurts me to see someone have something that I can't.
I'm beyond possessive of my friends and family, to the point where I can't stand it when, if two of my friends hadn't known eachother previously, get to know eachother.
I can't stand to lose, and I can't take criticism.

I am....
Horrible. Ghastly. Rude.

So, what was the point of this self-depracating tirade? you may wonder.

I told you all this so my new resolution would make sense.

I've decided to forget about all of it. Stop thinking about it. SCREW IT.

I'm going to stop worrying about stuff that I can't change.

Life changing, no?

I feel refreshed ^__^

Monday, September 22, 2008

Your Autumn Test Results

You are a energetic, warm, optimistic person. You approach everything with a lot of enthusiasm.
When you are happiest, you are calm. You appreciate tradition and family. You enjoy feeling cozy.
You tend to be afraid of change. You are never ready for things to be different.
You find love to be the most comforting thing in the world. You feel at peace when you're with your loved ones.
Your ideal day is spent in contemplation. You enjoy a quiet day where you can take time to think and day dream.
You tend to live in the moment. You enjoy whatever is going on, and you don't obsess over the past or future.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Flickr Mosaic Maker

While perusing a random blog today, I found a questionnaire/mosaic thing. I thought, "Why not?" and went at it. Here are the results :]

-From left to right:
1. What is your first name?
2. What is your favorite food?
3. What high school did you go to?
4. What is your favorite color?
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
6. Favorite drink?
7. Dream vacation?
8. Favorite dessert?
9. What you want to be when you grow up?
10. What do you love most in life?
11. One Word to describe you.
12. Your online name.

Stupid Questions

I've gotten TONS of positive feedback on this post. Thanks you guys :D

So, hopefully all of you have noticed by now that I wear a scarf (aka hijab. I prefer "scarf" though.) It's something I do in order to practice one aspect of my religion and beliefs. And I guess it goes without saying (or at least, I hope it does) that, after seeing my scarf, you realize that I am, in fact, Muslim.

Now, as with anyone that dresses/acts/believes differently than the majority, I make people curious. And what do people do when they get curious? They ask questions. Of course, I don't mind at all, provided the questions are even worth the time it takes to answer them. I mean, really guys. Would it kill people to use the minds that they've been bestowed and think through things rationally? I know it goes against the old adage, "There's no such thing as a stupid question," but I'm sorry to say there's really no other way to describe some of the things I've been asked.

Allow me to entertain you with some of the more... interesting, to say the least... questions I've heard. Hopefully, I'll be able to dispel some of the myths that you guys might have, while still managing to entertain myself :D (Note: I mean no offense to anyone by writing this post. I just felt like sharing a collaboration of odd questions that my other hijab-wearing friends and I have been asked on previous occasions.)

Let's start out with the basics...

Q: Why do you wear that?
A: Because it helps keep me smart. The information in my brain can't escape through my ears.

I wear it first and foremost because it's a practice promoted by my religion, and one that I believe in. I feel like I have an added perk too, because it separates my real friends from the phonies.

Q: Doesn't it get hot with that on?
A: No. I have a fully functional central-AC installed in there, so I feel a pleasant breeze blowing under my scarf the whole day.

*rolls eyes* Of course it gets hot. That's not enough to stop me though. You can get used to anything after a while.

Q: Do you sleep in your scarf?
A: Yep. In fact, I have one designated just for sleeping. It's like an extension to my pj's...

*Pssst! That was sarcasm.* Rule of thumb, if it doesn't make sense, then it's probably not true.

Q: What color is your hair?
A: Hot pink.

Not really. But what's the point of wearing it if I go mouthing off about my hair anyway?

Q: Do you shower with that on?
A: Mhmm.
Q: So do you like, blow-dry it out?
A: No, I just kinda wring out the water.
Q: Oh... so isn't it hard to wash?
A: Not at all. That's the beauty of it. I just lather in the shampoo, rinse and I'm good to go.

Ok guys, I do not shower w/my scarf on. And yes, I do wash my scarves. In a washer dryer. Just like the rest of my clothes.

Q: Do you have ears under there?
A: Sadly, no... I can't even hear what you're saying right now. It makes having conversations really hard, but I've learned to read lips.

Yes... I honestly don't know how anyone could ever even think to ask this. Kudos to you for being the person with the most ridiculous question to date :]

Q: Can I touch it?
A: No, sorry. You'll spontaneously combust.

Yesss, you can touch it. But, I'd rather you didn't, because it would be kind of awkward having someone poke my head. *awkward turtle*

Q: What happens if I see your hair?
A: You'll be hit by a bolt of lightning, and then your eyes fall out.

Not really. I mean... nothing would really happen. There'd be no "divine intervention" and no, I wouldn't be branded a sinner a sinner or anything. Again, I'd just rather you didnt.

Q: Are you bald?
A: I wish you hadn't found out, but yes... yes I am. I suffer from female patterned baldness. The round thing sticking out of the back of my scarf is just a tennis ball I stick in there 'cause I think it looks cool.

No, I am not bald. Enough said. In fact, the round bulge you see @ the back of my head is probably where my hair is tied up in a bun.

Alright, now on the bizarre questions. Some of these just left me scratching my head for a second, wondering how on earth anyone could even believe such a thing:

Q: Were you born with that on?
A: Mhmm. I came out wearing a scarf. Even in the ultra-sound pictures, I have a little mini-scarf on my fetal head.

No. I was not born with a scarf on my head. Actually, I didn't even start wearing it full-time until the summer after freshman year.

Q: Do you ever take it off?
A: Nope. In fact, I've never even seen my own hair. For all I know, I might be blonde.

Of course I take it off. I don't wear it at home around my family, or around my girl-friends. Honestly people...

Q: Do your headphones come attached to your scarf? (no... I'm not even kidding)
A: They do, actually. I have one set attached to every hijab.

Haha nooo. I stick my headphones in before I put on my hijab.

Q: Is that stitched to your head?
A: Mhmm. It's impossible to get it off. I have to stick my head in the washing machine and dryer when I need to get it clean.

Uhh... ewww. I don't think I even need to answer this for you to know that it's not true. Can you imagine how painful that would be?

Q: Do different colored scarves represent different things?
A: Yeah. It's kind of like a mood-ring.

No. In no way at all do scarves represent things. We just wear whichever one matches our outfits.

(The day after I started wearing it.)
Q: So are you like, married to Jesus now?
A: No...

Wow... just... wow. It's shocking how senseless some people are.

Q: Do you guys know when another person gets a haircut?
A: You know us and our Muslim telepathy.

No, we can't tell if another scarf-wearer has gotten a haircut, unless she tells us.

Surprisingly, that's all I can think of right now... I'll be sure to add more as they come along :]

Now, I just decided, on a whim, to share with you guys some funny comments my friends and I have gotten/conversations we've had with random people about wearing a scarf. This is so much fun, I'm just loooking for excuses to keep going :D

One of my friends usually wears blue and black scarves, only because that's what goes with most of her clothes. One day, she showed up in a pink scarf.
Boy: Hey, you're wearing a different color now. Did you like, pass a level or something?
Girl: Oh my God... This isn't a karate belt or something.
Boy: Oh... *shuffles away*

Person: Where are you from?
Me: California.
Person: No, no, where are you ORIGINALLY from?
Me: California.
Person: Umm...well I aren't American (motions to my hijab), so you can't be from where are you from?

Look you guys. I was born in Torrance, raised in Anaheim. I haven't been out of the U.S. since I was 6, and even that was for just 12 days. I'm about as cultural as French fries.

Person: *pointing to my scarf* What's that?
Me: A scarf.
Person: No, I mean in your language.
Me: A scarf.
Person: Hmm... really. *walks away*

Oh Lord... English is my first language. Therefor, I prefer to use the English words for things... 'cause, you know, I
do speak English. *shocker, I know.*

Random guy: Would you take your scarf off if it was on fire?

Would you take your pants off if they were on fire?
In case it wasn't obvious, the answer is yes.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Things I Want to Remember Forever

My dad's eyes: half brown half gray, outlined in blue; they way they light up and crinkle at the edges when he's just made one of his cheesy jokes or seen something that makes him happy. His laugh: starting out quiet, then quickly escalating to a contagious rumble. His smile: when he's happy, spreading slowly over his face like molasses; when he's trying to hide it, just the smallest upturn of the corners of his mouth, only betraying his true feelings to those who know him well enough to recognize it.

My mom's quirks: the way she chews on the right side of her bottom lip when she's reading something; the way she gets a little knot of consternation between her eyebrows when she's focusing on something she wants to get just right; the look she gives me when I've done something unacceptable, the one that's come to be known as "the look" between me and my sister. Her constant devotion: the way she'll act annoyed when I ask her to do something for me, but still not be able to deny me; the way she comes up behind me while I'm doing dishes late at night and wordlessly takes them from me, more concerned for my sleep than her own. Her smile: a contagious thing that lights up her entire face. Her laugh: care-free and with no inhibitions when she finds something funny; a goofy little "ha ha ha" when she's trying to be sarcastic and show me that my joke wasn't as funny as I thought it was.

These are the things I want to keep with me forever, tucked away in my back pocket for safe-keeping, for a day when I'm feeling particularly nostalgic. My childhood memories, my comfortable familiarity with these things; it's all part of the appeal.

(This is a work in progress.) I'm working on stuff for the rest of my family, and my friends as well.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I've always heard that junior year is killer.

I'm just a sophomore, and I'm wondering exactly how much worse it could get.

I feel like I have no time for myself anymore. My time is occupied with homework assignments, assigned reading, and the like. I haven't moved on in the novel I'm reading in more than a week. :O
(For those of you who know me well, I'm sure you realize how much this must be killing the avid bookworm within me.) I complain about all this, and then I realize a shocking truth.

It's only the 2nd week of school.

It'll only get worse from here onward.

I guess I'll be putting my life on hold for a bit...

Alright, enough of wallowing in this self-pity. I have *surprise, surprise* homework just waiting to be completed. (Oops... there's that self-pity again.)

Until next time. That is, if I make it until then without cracking...

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hey there. Welcome to my blog. This is where I'll celebrate my victories, vent my frustrations, and let out just about every emotion that comes my way.
Enjoy :]
